Thursday, February 16, 2012

NYFW . . Valentine's Day

The always fabulous Nina Garcia

Sarah Rutson, Fashion Director at Lane Crawford

Robbie Myers, Editor in Chief of Elle US

Elin Kling from Style by Kling

As you know today was the last day of Fashion week in New York. As usual I got a chance to take part of the excitement and snap a few pictures. These are from this past Tuesday (Valentine's Day). It's aways fun to see the galore of people that comes to the city strutting the streets of New York. It seams to leave a certain freshness in the air. The fact that you can run into your fashion icon, editor, photographer, even celebrity around the corner it's always thrilling.  

Como ya sabras hoy fue el ultimo dia de Fashion week en Nueva York. Como de costumbre tuve la oportunidad de tomar parte de, y tomar algunas fotos. Estas fueron tomadas el Martes (Dia de San Valentin). Siempre es divertido ver a toda esta gente caminando por las calles de la ciudad. Es emocionante; el hecho de que puedes toparte con tu icono de la moda, editor, fotografo o celebridad a la vuelta de la esquina.
Photos by me


  1. gorgeous ladies!! awesome post darling.btw,following your blog now.hope u can check out my blog and return the favor if u like.


  2. cute blog!
    Visit my blog and if u want we can follow each other!
    Have a great Sunday!


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